كلام شكر للمعلم. كلام جميل عبارات شكر عن المعلمة

So we send you a light of the number of all the stars of the sky So we must honor you with the garlands of flowers

To you our dear teacher.

عبارات شكر وتقدير للمعلمات
كلمة عن شكر المعلم
And you know that the impossible is achieved in our seconds
رسائل شكر للاستاذ
You turned the failure to a brilliant, high in the summits


عبارات شكر للمعلمات
If she smiled to me I know that the world smiled for you
كلمة شكر للمعلم
كلمة شكر للمعلم في يوم التخرج
And you taught us that inspiring ideas need to be instilled by the minds of our students