Anyway, can you suggest to me other things you have written or posted on this topic? מאותו ערב שישי, חזר עזר ופקד את המועדון הזימתי עם חבריו הגייז שפתאום הפכו למאהביו | That is important because patriarchy has twisted everything so that the needs, concerns, and rights of women and children are second to that of men |
Krister Stendahl has a slightly more liberal view of the text that most egalitarians | He takes an extremely rare root mashal I — to be like that is only attested in poetic passages with rare grammatical forms and rare vocabulary and uses it to determine the meaning of a much more common verb mashal III — to rule in a fairly straightforward passage |
But I have always assumed that Junia was a woman and that she was called an apostle.
So I am not out to prove any theories, but to come with open eyes and find truth unclouded by opinions of people as much as possible | You may not intend this at all |
אמר ר' אלעזר: כל אדם שאין לו אשה אינו אדם, שנאמר: "זכר ונקבה בראם" וגו' | There was a point when I was really considering specializing in Syriac literature for my PhD because I love the language and I find the history of Syriac-speaking people so interesting |
I disagree also with their use of Wilshires article, but I also firmly disagree with this statement of yours.