ينتقل الضوء أسرع مايمكن في الفضاء. ينتقل الضوء اسرع مايمكن في الفضاء

; von der Linde, D "Appearance of relativistically expanding radio sources"
286: "People initially thought of tachyons as particles travelling faster than the speed of light "Nicole Oresme on the Nature, Reflection, and Speed of Light"

"Parity Violation and Neutrino Mass".

ينتقل الضوء أسرع مايمكن في الفضاء صح او خطأ
72 3 : 357—374 [367—74]
ينتقل الضوء أسرع ما يمكن في الفضاء . صواب خطأ
"Optical Precursor of a Single Photon"
ينتقل الضوء أسرع مايمكن في الفضاء . صواب خطأ
"Perturbative superluminal censorship and the null energy condition"
"Chapter Five — The Scholar of Cairo" "The Velocity of Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Derived from the Resonant Frequencies of a Cylindrical Cavity Resonator"
"Astrophysics: Burst of support for relativity" University of York Science Education Group 2001

"The neutrino as a tachyon".

كيف ينتقل الضوء في الفضاء
Wave Propagation and Group Velocity
ينتقل الضوء أسرع مايمكن في الفضاء
Ellis, J; Mavromatos, NE; Nanopoulos, DV; Sakharov, AS 2003
كيف ينتقل الضوء في الفضاء
the most accurate standard for the metre is conveniently defined so that there are exactly 299,792,458 of them to the distance travelled by light in a standard second, giving a value for the metre that very accurately matches the now inadequately precise standard metre rule in Paris
"The Ratio of the Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Units" — Nature 19 November 2009
But we now know that a tachyon indicates an instability in a theory that contains it "Macroscopic violation of special relativity"

Rosa, EB; Dorsey, NE 1907.

ينتقل الضوء اسرع مايمكن في الفضاء
Essen, L; Gordon-Smith, AC 1948
ناسا بالعربي
"Quantum-Gravity Analysis of Gamma-Ray Bursts using Wavelets"
ينتقل الضوء اسرع ما يمكن في الفضاء
"Super-luminal expansion in extragalactic radio sources"