Playstation sign in. How To Fix PS4 Cannot Sign In Error

If you don't receive a code, double-check that you entered your mobile phone number correctly on your PS4 This error will often provide a specific reason that your IP has been blocked
Scroll down in the menu until you reach option 5, Rebuild Database This helps ensure that only you can access your account

With two-step verification, you will receive a new code each time you try to sign in to your PSN account.

How to sign in and out of PlayStation™Network US
In fact, Signing in to PlayStation network fails due to several reasons ranging from a WiFi router malfunctioning to a PS4 system file corruption
Playstation sign neon
Open a new tab on your browser and ask Google what your IP is
PlayStation Network US
If you want a more detailed explanation of the process, select the button labeled "Learn More" and press X
Step 3: Select Use Wi-Fi to connect to the network and then choose Custom Your WiFi Router Needs to Rest Using the WiFi router for constantly long time may cause performance issues when you try to connect to specific servers
Finally, select the Do not use proxy server option But note that this solution will erase all your data on your internal drive

Select the field labeled "Password," press X, and type in your PSN account password.

How to Sign Into a Playstation Network Account on PS4
There is no way to have your IP removed from the listing, it is a permanent ban imposed by a third party company
Log in
Hold the power button down until you hear two quick beeps
How to Solve “PlayStation Network Sign
When you're ready to set up two-step verification, select "Set Up Now" and press X