No bullying in order to create calm souls and good generations | Educate your child about the paths to stopping bullying |
If you are hurting others on the Internet, then you are an ugly person inside | There is no difference between the bully and the victim, they are both afraid |
You cannot heal your gut by hurting others.
One of the causes of bullying is poor parenting, and not getting used to the culture of respect for others, as some people do not care about the feelings of others and deliberately harm others, and it may be the result of excessive exposure to watching violent films or electronic games and this negatively affects their behavior and makes them more vulnerable to bullying The aim of bullying may be to attract the attention of others, especially if they do not receive adequate care and attention, whether at home or anywhere else, and most likely the bully is a weak person like his victim and needs psychological support and assistance | You do not have the right to make me feel fear or anxiety |
Always try not to be alone, as a bully tends to choose a child who is alone, so try to stay with a group |