يورو. Euro

In total, as of 2013 , 182 million people in Africa use a currency pegged to the euro, 27 million people outside the eurozone in Europe, and another 545,000 people on Pacific islands Bulgaria has negotiated an exception; euro in the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet is spelled as eвро evro and not eуро euro in all official documents
CASE Center for Social and Economic Research For the denominations except the 1-, 2- and 5-cent coins, the map only showed the 15 member states which were members when the euro was introduced

في قرر ضم للدول الداخلة في الاتحاد النقدي والاقتصادي ابتداء من عام في الأول من عام تم اعتماد اليورو كعملة رئيسية في.

File:Euro footagefirm.com
Pegging a country's currency to a major currency is regarded as a safety measure, especially for currencies of areas with weak economies, as the euro is seen as a stable currency, prevents runaway inflation and encourages foreign investment due to its stability
مازال زوج اليورو مقابل الدولار الامريكي يتداول في اتجاة هابط اسفل منطقة المقاومة 1
With the advent of the global financial crisis the euro initially fell, to regain later
۲۴ درصدی به ۲۸,۸۰۶ بیست و هشت هزار و هشتصد و شش تومان رسید Risk appetite is clearly improving further today
The euro has been used as a trading currency in Cuba since 1998, Syria since 2006, and Venezuela since 2018 The name euro was officially adopted on 16 December 1995 in Madrid

The Economics of European Integration.

اسعار الجنيه الاسترليني (GBP) مقابل اليورو EUR)
في تم الاتفاق على تسمية العملة الجديدة ب اليورو Euro بدلا من الاسم القديم وذلك بعد مداولات طويلة
اسعار اليورو (EUR) مقابل الدرهم الإماراتي AED)
The effect of declining interest rates, combined with excess liquidity continually provided by the ECB, made it easier for banks within the countries in which interest rates fell the most, and their linked sovereigns, to borrow significant amounts above the 3% of GDP budget deficit imposed on the eurozone initially and significantly inflate their public and private debt levels
With the exception of Bosnia, Bulgaria, North Macedonia which had pegged their currencies against the Deutsche Mark and Cape Verde formerly pegged to the Portuguese escudo , all of these non-EU countries had a currency peg to the French Franc before pegging their currencies to the euro
The ECB issues 8% of the total value of banknotes issued by the Eurosystem كما انضمت مدينة الفاتيكان إلى هذا التحول
Although a more recent meta-analysis shows that publication bias decreases over time and that there are positive trade effects from the introduction of the euro, as long as results from before 2010 are taken into account في اتفق وزراء الاتحاد الأوروبي على ، التي نصت على محافظة الدول الأعضاء على استقرار اقتصادياتهم المحلية وبالتالي سعر صرف اليورو

The euro is the single currency of the member states that have adopted it.

رسم بياني لـ EUR USD — سعر صرف اليورو دولار أمريكي — TradingView
This includes all member states of the EU, even those outside the eurozone providing the transactions are carried out in euro
With all but one Denmark EU members obliged to join when economic conditions permit, together with future members of the EU, the is set to continue
كما يسري ذلك على أي أقاليم أو قطاعات أو مناطق تابعة أو تجمعات لدول منطقة اليورو مثل الأزوريس وجزر البليار وجزر الكناري وجزيرة أوروبا وجيانا الفرنسية وجوادالوب وخوان دي نوفا وجزر مادييرا ومارتينيك ومايوتي وريونيون وسان مارتين وسان بيير وميكيلون، وذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر