نقص فيتامين د يسبب. نقص فيتامين د يسبب صداع

John Lee, James O'Keefe, David Bell And Others 9-12-2008 , , Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Issue 24, Folder 52, Page 1949-1956 2000 , " Decreased Bioavailability of Vitamin D in Obesity", The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Issue 73, Folder 3, Page 690-693
, The National Academies of Sciences Mohammad Alkhatatbeh, Khalid Abdul-Razzak 2019 , , BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, Issue 1, Folder 7, Page e000690

Rebecca Anglin, Zainab Samaan, Stephen Walter And Others 2-2013 , , The British Journal of Psychiatry, Issue 2, Folder 202, Page 100-107.

باحثون: نقص فيتامين د يسبب آلام الظهر
2009 , "Vitamin D and autoimmune rheumatic diseases ", Reumatology, Issue 48, Folder 3, Page 210-212
نقص فيتامين د في الجسم.. 4 مخاطر صحية يسببها
Mary Byrn, William Adams, Mary Emanuele, And Others 7-9-2017 , , Journal of Diabetes Research, Issue -, Folder 2017, Page 11
هل يسبب نقص فيتامين د زغللة العين؟.. طبيب يوضح
2010 , " Role of Vitamin D in Insulin Secretion and Insulin Sensitivity for Glucose Homeostasis", International Journal of Endocrinology, Page 1-18
Shu Wei 12-2014 , , Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Issue 6, Folder 26, Page 438-447 Darryl Eylesab, Steven Smith, Robert Kinobe And Others 1-2005 , , Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, Issue 1, Folder 29, Page 21-30
Simon Vanlint 2013 , , Nutrients , Issue 3, Folder 5, Page 949-956 Michos Erin, Melamed, Michal 1-2008 , , Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, Issue 1, Folder 11, Page 7-12


أعراض نقص فيتامين د
Karani Vimaleswaran ,Diane Berry ,Chen Lu And Others 2013 , , PLOS Medicine, Issue 2, Folder 10, Page e1001383
هل نقص فيتامين د يسبب عدم انتظام ضربات القلب
2011 , Vitamin D effects on Lung Immunity and Respiratory Diseases Vitamins and Hormones, Page 217-237
باحثون: نقص فيتامين د يسبب آلام الظهر
Shalbha Tiwari, Daliparthy Pratyush, Sanjeev Gupta , and others 21-10-2014 , , British Journal of Nutrition, Issue 12, Folder 112, Page 1938-1943