دعوة تخرج. بطاقات دعوة تخرج

Today the moon is smiling at you and the stars are adorned … with diligence and perseverance you have achieved your hopes, oh …………
We will dance the dabke, eat sweets, play and have fun … I wear a graduation gown embroidered in 2020, on Thursday evening night lanterns are knocking and my loved ones gather to share my joy

My little girl has grown up and reaped a dream that we wished for her.

أجمل عبارات دعوة تخرج
My friends, companions of the heart, brought us out and we got the joy … We were happiest in the hearts of our loved ones, and here is my family and the most precious thing
عبارات دعوة لحفل تخرج من الجامعة
The best congratulations to everyone who has reached a stage of success in his life
دعوة حفل تخرج
On Thursday evening, leave only for me


بطاقات دعوة تخرج .. تعرف على 13 بطاقة متنوعة ورائعة
نموذج دعوة لحضور حفل تخرج
بطاقات دعوة تخرج .. تعرف على 13 بطاقة متنوعة ورائعة