رئيس العراق. قائمة رؤساء العراق

Funding information from the OCHA Contributions Tracking System Humanitarian Funds are set up for complex emergencies and support the highest-priority projects of the best-placed responders including international and national NGOs and UN agencies through an inclusive and transparent process that supports priorities set out in Humanitarian Response Plans HRPs
Unearmarked Donors OCHA received unearmarked contributions from the following donors:• United States Unearmarked contributions or commitments are those for which the donor does not require the funds to be used for a specific project, sector, crisis or country, leaving OCHA to decide how to allocate the funds

Figures below are for this year.

رئيس العراق


رئيس العراق
رئيس العراق
قائمة رؤساء العراق


قائمة رؤساء العراق
قائمة رؤساء العراق