حكم. What is governance?

"Decisions must be informed by all available evidence and intelligence in order to achieve an outcome that balances risks and promotes the safety of all individuals in custody as set out below 4 The condition is that— a a joint service for persons of both sexes would be less effective, and b the extent to which the service is required by persons of each sex makes it not reasonably practicable to provide separate services
… 6 A person must not, in the exercise of a public function that is not the provision of a service to the public or a section of the public, do anything that constitutes discrimination … … 31 Interpretation and exceptions … 3 A reference to the provision of a service includes a reference to the provision of a service in the exercise of a public function 10 Aug 1995 Trial Chamber Orders• making and reviewing executive decisions regarding the management of financial resources and organisation of sporting competitions; and• Ground 2: the Defendant, in formulating the policies, failed to take into account a material consideration, namely the exemptions for single sex accommodation and provision of services under the Equality Act 2010, and the policies are unlawful because they therefore misstate the law

17 Jul 2008 President's Orders• In addition, where a transgender woman with a GRC is placed in the women's estate, all known or likely risks she may pose to other women in the estate should be managed, with use of separate accommodation where appropriate.

Tadić (IT
13 Feb 1995 Appeals Chamber Judgement• The CERN convention was signed in 1953 by the 12 founding states Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia, and entered into force on 29 September 1954
What is governance?
i There were 163 transgender prisoners, of whom 81 had been convicted of one or more sexual offences
Member States
v As at March 2021, one transgender woman, believed to have a GRC, was allocated to E Wing
2 The matters are — a the provision of separate services for persons of each sex; b the provision of separate services differently for persons of each sex; c the provision of a service only to persons of one sex The only exceptions are when allocation decisions are approved by a Prison Group Director or the Community Interventions Deputy Director via a Complex Case Board …
14 complainant to show that he has suffered an adverse impact as a result of the conduct": see R Akbar v Secretary of State for Justice [2020] HRLR 3 at [69]

i The policies amount to a relevant provision, criterion or practice "a PCP".

Tadić (IT
… Services generally provided only for persons who share a protected characteristic 30 If a service is generally provided only for persons who share a protected characteristic, a person A who normally provides the service for persons who share that characteristic does not contravene section 29 1 or 2 — a by insisting on providing the service in the way A normally provides it, or b if A reasonably thinks it is impracticable to provide the service to persons who do not share that characteristic, by refusing to provide the service
FDJ, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Justice (Rev 1) [2021] EWHC 1746 (Admin) (02 July 2021)
explores requirements and solutions for data-intense computing applications of publicly funded research
FDJ, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Justice (Rev 1) [2021] EWHC 1746 (Admin) (02 July 2021)
This means that transgender women prisoners with GRCs must be treated in the same way as biological women for all purposes
As we exclude prisoners with GRCs from central lists, we do not have a ready list of people with a GRC, and as a result we do not centrally record how many people have a GRC … 149 Public sector equality duty 1 A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to — a eliminate discrimination … and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act; b advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; c foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
Less intrusive ways of achieving the legitimate aim of caring for and managing transgender women prisoners include a incorporating a test of proportionality, not exceptionality, for allocating high risk transgender women prisoners away from the female estate; b carrying out a risk assessment before initial allocation to the female estate of a transgender woman with a GRC; or c adopting a presumption that high risk transgender women prisoners with convictions for violent and sexual offences against women should not be accommodated in the female estate Governance The FIA has a clear structure with its duties separated into reviewing, enacting and enforcing sporting rules, promoting accessible, sustainable and safe mobility for all, taking executive decisions and resolving disputes

"… are required to be located in the women's estate because they hold Gender Recognition Certificates GRC and are legally female.

Tadić (IT
iv There is no corresponding increase in risk for male prisoners in the men's estate, because the accommodation of transgender men in the male estate does not increase the proportion of sex offenders in the population of that estate; and male prisoners are less likely than women to have suffered historic sexual abuse and less likely to be the victims of sexual offences
Member States
In cases where any proposition of law implicit in a departmental advisory document is interwoven with questions of social and ethical controversy, the court should, in my opinion, exercise its jurisdiction with the utmost restraint …"• In particular, "where a transgender woman is placed in the male estate, any risks posed to her by male prisoners, or vice versa, must be managed
Member States
Contextual Conditions and Research Lenses from the 2018 Science and Implementation Plan The 2021 Bratislava Conference stands in a long tradition of global conferences on earth system governance, from Amsterdam 2007 and 2009 to Colorado 2011 , Lund 2012 , Tokyo 2013 , Norwich 2014 , Canberra 2015 , Nairobi 2016 , Lund 2017 , Utrecht 2018 , Oaxaca 2019 , Virtual Forum 2020