رقم نجم خميس مشيط. الوصف: اثر استخدام الألعاب التربوية في تنمية بعض مهارات التفكير في الرياضيات والميول نحوها لدى تلامذة الصف الثالث الاساسي

The differences happened in these skills: Shapes analysis, shape linking relation, awareness and ambiguity analysis ; this happened for the sake of the experimental group because of the independent variable Halat, E 2008 : The Effects of Designing Webquests on the Motivation of Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers International
Also, the researcher designed an educational site for the engineering and spatial reasoning units from the mathematics course of the second level in the intermediate level the first semester, and they were designed according to WebQuest strategy Principles and Standards, Retrieved, November 29 th

The researcher prepared the instruments of the study as following: the achievement test to measure the learning of geometry and the attitudes scale.

الوصف: اثر استخدام الألعاب التربوية في تنمية بعض مهارات التفكير في الرياضيات والميول نحوها لدى تلامذة الصف الثالث الاساسي
To achieve this aim, the researcher used the quasi-experimental approach with design of two equal groups
الرمز البريدي خميس مشيط 2020 والمناطق التابعة لها
The exam was applied on a sample of 40 female students from the second grade of the intermediate level, which was randomly chosen and equally distributed between the controlling and the experimental groups
في ذمة الله
Connecticut Reading Association 51 st Annual Conference, November 14
com ben ramdhane samia, samia After ensuring the validity and the reliability of the instrument the study reached the following results: There were a significant difference in favor of the experimental group who studied by using Davis Model in comparison with the control group who studied by using the traditional method
Learning in a sheltered Internet environment: The use of WebQuests com BENABBES SOUAD, souadbenabbes yahoo

WebQuests as a Constructivist tool in the EFL teaching methodology class in a university in Macedonia.

أبحاث ودراسات تربوية السجل الكامل
Algerian legislation has been cared sponsored this category of society, also identified the forms and methods of providing educational services through specialized centers that have been established by Decree No
قاعدة معلومات شمعة التربوية Educational Database
Reading Teacher, v60 n7, pp644-654
:Abstract Special education also known as special needs education, aided education or exceptional education is the practice of educating students with special educational needs in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs