المجمع الطبي الراقي. How Clinic / مجمع هاو الطبي, شارع ابن سينا, حي المروج، Al Muruj, Phone +966 9200 10706

The management should invest in training them With the bone clinic at the general medical complex
First period: From Hour: 09:00 am to hour: 11:30 am Second period: From 04:00 pm to 09:30 p - 18 year s' experience in treating various diseases Bones, joints, injuries, fractures

- experience in treating sciatica and roughness Joints.

مجمع الطب النوعي العام و مركز فحص العمالة
First period: From Hour: 09:00 am to hour: 11:30 am Second period: From 04:00 pm to 09:30 p
المجمع الطبي العام وصيدلية جمعية مضر الخيرية للخدمات الأجتماعية, Eastern Province (920010795)
It's my first and last time to go there
المجمع الطبي العام وصيدلية جمعية مضر الخيرية للخدمات الأجتماعية, Eastern Province (920010795)
the bad general medical society is making offers for reviewers
29 April 2019 1:00 The reception ladies on the first floor are so unprofessional and all over the place
There were four of them and yet I had no help whatsoever Hustler a European Board Phd disease surgery Bone injuries and joints


المجمع الطبي العام وصيدلية جمعية مضر الخيرية للخدمات الأجتماعية, Eastern Province (920010795)
14 March 2019 7:40 Very poor doctors with bad attitude they only think about your insurance or the cash that you will gave them
احسن راقي شرعي في مكة إذا كنت تبحث عن راقي شرعي و معالج روحاني في مدينة مكة الم
The doctors should think about their clients not abou our insurance or money
مواقف مجمع السلمانية الطبي
See MoreOn the occasion of the national day
They have attitude and are extremely rude


المجمع الطبي الراقي العام (الخالدية)
مواقف مجمع السلمانية الطبي
المجمع الطبي الراقي العام (الخالدية)