تحويل العملات من الدولار الى الريال. تحويل الدولار الأمريكي إلى ريال قطري (USD → QAR)

Have you considered using, instead, a lookup table that would do this? That way, if I want to change the conversion rate next week, I don't have to edit a formula - I just change the conversion rate
I'd add a ROUND function to get rid of anything past the second decimal, and add a True False switch at the end to ensure that you don't apply an incorrect Fx amount to a date which doesn't exist in your table First, you need to know the exchange rate for the two currencies

There are a number of sources of historical currency fx rates which you could download and input into a table.

تحويل الدولار الأمريكي الى الريال السعودي
Then I would set up A2 to contain the number of Sri Lankan rupees I want to convert, say, 1,000
تحويل الدولار الأمريكي إلى ريال سعودي (USD → SAR)
Usd jpy printed a 10 month high at 11219 and eur jpy posted a two week high at 12109
حاسبة تحويل العملات
Our latest currency calculator is a direct descendent of the fast and reliable original "Universal Currency Calculator" and of course it's still free! And you could use the currency formatting for cells A2 and A3 to properly reflect that they are Sri Lankan and Australian currencies
If this is all a complete mystery, comment back and I'll try to explain it better Thanks- Fairly simple math issue
Learn more , our latest services, and how we became known as the world's currency data authority The yen has continued to underperform and is showing a 2 decline against the dollar from yesterdays opening levels

Since that might end up with a number of decimal places, you might round it so that it ends up with just two.

التحويل من الريال الى الدولار
تحويل الدولار الأمريكي الى الدولار النيوزيلندي
If you have the dates in ascending order in column A and the exchange rate in column b, your vlookup formula could use the date, get the exchange rate, then apply that against your medical bill amount
تحويل العملة من الدولار للريال السعودي
Scenario is that we purchase materials in both MX and US for projects and will be entering both currencies into the sheet