صابون لوکس. Lux (soap)

It is marketed in Brazil, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, and South Africa, and sells soap bars in India, Pakistan, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Vietnam Lux soap is still sold as a beauty product in Africa today
The advertising shifted in the 1950s emphasizing intelligence rather than beauty 2017 to present [ ] In Indonesia, Lux used Maudy Ayunda as a spokesmodel

The brand also moved forward with launching LUX in the Middle East.

Lux (soap)
The brand concentrated on building its association with movie stars and their use of the product
سعر ومواصفات Lux صابون سحر الجمال
Lux is marketed primarily in , , and
Accelerator Title
1970s [ ] Reflecting the shift in beauty trends in the 1970s, Lux stars included: and
It received 414 endorsements in return, leading them to claim that 9 out of 10 stars in Hollywood use Lux Soap Once Lux Soap began its national campaign in 1926, it was also advertised for men and children
If you have any query or suggestion about the quality of the auto-translation, please email us at email address In the 1940s Lever Brothers began mass advertising for Lux, introducing their product as a soap associated with glamour and intelligence, and began using existing advertisements of international celebrities endorsing their products

In 1931, Lux launched a I am over 31 campaign, which focused on older stars.

Accelerator Title
The use of endorsements by Hollywood starlets was a tremendous success for both Lux Soap, the actresses, and the studios
صابون لوکس
The series of print ads had stars talking about preserving youthful skin in jars
سعر صابونة لوكس حلم السعادة، 85 جم فى مصر
Lever Brothers shifted their focus to another soap, Dove