Jiwa adalah sesuatu yang jika badan kosong darinya, maka badan itu ibarat patung | The proof of that is in the Book of Allah By Nafs, and Ma Sawwaha Who apportioned it |
"He explained the good and the evil to it the soul | '' Mujahid, Qatadah, Ad-Dahhak, As-Suddi, Ath-Thawri, Abu Salih and Ibn Zayd all said that Tahaha means, He spread it out |
Zayd then said, "The Messenger of Allah used to teach us these words and we now teach them to you.
30'' This was stated by Mujahid | Mujahid said, "Tahaha means He spread it out |
meaning, when it covers the sun, which takes place when sun disappears and the horizons become dark | "This means, by its light |
When the sun goes down, the Hilal is visible.
26I only asked you about that in order to inform you that a man from Muzaynah or Juhaynah tribe came to the Allah's Messenger and asked him: "O Messenger of Allah! Then He showed it its Fujur and its Taqwa | "This means what He created in it |
Both views are interrelated, and construction means raising | By the heaven and Ma Banaha |
Bagaimana pun juga, jiwa merupakan ayat Allah yang besar yang sangat tepat jika bersumpah dengannya, karena keadaannya yang halus dan ringan, cepat berpindah, bergerak, berubah, berpengaruh atau sensitive, merasakan sedih, gelisah, cinta dan benci, dsb.