جلسات بر. مدیریت جلسات

2013 the true meaning of self esteem An Examination of the Effectiveness of Choice Theory on Teachers Teaching Effectiveness and Students Subsequent Academic Achievement
Effectiveness of Group Reality Therapy in Increasing theStudents' Happiness International Research of Applied and Basic Sciences 160-164 Sepahi V

The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale CD-RISC : Testing the invariance of a unidimensional resilience measure that is independent of positive and negative affect.

جلسات دعا
Elationship between self esteem with emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction among women
پیشنهاد تعطیلی تهران و کرج/ وزیر کشور: ناجا علاوه بر جریمه، خودرو ها را باز گردانَد
The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale CD-RISC : Testing the invariance of a unidimensional resilience measure that is independent of positive and negative affect
سازمان ملل متحد در جمهوری اسلامی ایران
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: Purde University
Religious and Spiritual Values and Moral Commitment in Marriage: Untapped Resources in Couples Counseling? Effectiveness of reality therapy program for schizophrenic patients
The Efficiency of Reality Therapy Instruction upon the Rate of Life's Qualification and Marital Conflicts of Addicted Spouses International Research of Applied and Basic Sciences 160-164 Sepahi V

Word of Science Journal ISSN:2307-3071.

تاملی بر تعیین حق حضور اعضای غیرموظف هیات مدیره
Effectiveness of group reality therapy in increasing the students' happiness
اصول برگزاری جلسه
Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on self responsibility and student teacher training center of Hazrat Khadija-zahra university
سازمان ملل متحد در جمهوری اسلامی ایران
Compare the effectiveness of group training and upgrading programs to enrich lives and improve the therapeutic index therapeutic Abuse addiction material suppliers