حيوان المرموط بالسعوديه. حيوان السنجاب

Journal of Mammology 3 : 631—633 , the ecological and economic impact of foxes in Britain
"Liska'sEncycVulpedia: Red Fox — Description"

Amazing biology in fairy tales, , P.

تعرف على حيوان المرموط ناقل الطاعون الدبلي.. يقضي الشتاء نائما وطوله 30 سم.. صور
Journal of Zoology, Volume 270, Part 4, December 2006• ", Foxes are good animals, they help kill rodents that will destroy crops and harvests
How to Spot a Fox
موسوعة المعلومات
森林裡的蘑菇為什麼都有圓點?:13篇童話故事裡的奇妙生物學, Why do forest mushrooms have spots? So they have a place among the god of farming
Journal of Mammalogy, 40 4
World Conservation Union IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group , accessed 2008-02-19

Journal of Zoology, Volume 263, Part 4, August 2004• Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.

«المرموط».. حيوان تسبب في ظهور الطاعون
مراهقين بريطانيين يغتصبون رجلاً بريطانياً ويسرقونه وسط الشارع
Procedures for Evaluating Predation on Livestock and Wildlife
Biology and Conservation of Wild Canids "Competitive interactions between endangered kit foxes and non-native red foxes"
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 22 1 Australian Department of the Environment and Water Resources

Department of Primary Industries and Water, Tasmania website.

New English Canaan: Or, New Canaan Research Library of Colonial Americana
صور ومعلومات عن حيوان المرموط احد انواع القوارض واهم صفاته
Is the fox a pest? Robert Darnton, "Peasants tell tales: the meaning of Mother Goose" in The great cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural history