المختبرات الطبية. أقسام المختبرات الطبية

HCAC adopts a collaborative approach to uphold patient needs, ethics best practices through the development of standards, awarding accreditation and certification, building the capacity of healthcare, providing consultation to support change, and national awareness Box : 811971 Amman 11181 Jordan• We are available to answer your questions and start the improvement process together
We are proud to be the first and foremost entity in the East Mediterranean region that has achieved and maintains all three International Society for Quality in Healthcare ISQua accreditations

Email : The Health Care Accreditation Council HCAC is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting quality improvement and patient safety in healthcare in Jordan and the Arab region.

المصطلحات المختبرات الطبية
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8 أدوار يقوم بها أخصائي المختبرات الطبية