رمز الكلور. ما هو غاز الكلور

Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2007, , S , Gas Encyclopaedia, Air Liquide• In: Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Lavie, CJ; Crocker, EF; Key, KJ; Ferguson, TG October 1986 Bertolini, Luca; Elsener, Bernhard; Pedeferri, Pietro; Polder, Rob B

Holleman, Arnold Frederik; Wiberg, Egon 2001 , Wiberg, Nils ed.

خصائص عنصر الكلور
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland
خصائص عنصر الكلور
خصائص عنصر الكلور
Naimi: The NUBASE2016 evaluation of nuclear properties
Levitin, H; Branscome, W; Epstein, FH December 1958 , in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st edition, CRC press
In: Chemie in unserer Zeit Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.

خصائص عنصر الكلور
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
استخدامات الكلور و فوائده
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 1994, , S
خصائص عنصر الكلور
Lefebure, Victor; Wilson, Henry 2004