המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש. המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש: Season 1 (2018) — The Movie Database (TMDb)

With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces
It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers
המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש: Season 2 (2021) — The Movie Database (TMDb)
המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש: Season 2 (2021) — The Movie Database (TMDb)
One day, when Shuna and Shion are fighting over Rimuru's squishy slime body as usual, Rimuru comes up with the idea to make a cushion in the shape of his slime form
But there is more to this request than meets the eye Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins
Will their summoning be successful? What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? Thus the two of them begin to watch over Rimuru's actions from within him and recaps events of the season while in a discussion with Veldora as they play Shogi

When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army.

המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש: Season 1 (2018) — The Movie Database (TMDb)
Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen
המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש: Season 0 (2019) — The Movie Database (TMDb)
Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more
המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש: Season 2 (2021) — The Movie Database (TMDb)
He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord
At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic
Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest Ramiris seems to sense something about it


המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש: Season 0 (2019) — The Movie Database (TMDb)
Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke
King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle
המקרה בו חזרתי לחיים בתור רפש: Season 1 (2018) — The Movie Database (TMDb)
So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today