ظرف زمان. ظروف و انواع آن در عربی

and the noun after it While mudhaaf can have different cases — based on its role in the sentence — a mudhaaf ilayhi is always genitive
Note If the adverb is not used to determine the place or the time of an action, then it takes the appropriate case of declension, according to its position in the sentence

com So, in the last post, we learnt that a spatial adverb is a word that refers to the place where the action occurs.

المفعول فيهالمفعول فيه هو الذي نسميه ظرف الزمان والمكان
I sleep on the bed
ظرف الزمان والمكان
I sat under the tree
تفاوت اسم زمان و اسم مکان با ظرف زمان و ظرف مکان در زبان عربی چیست؟
I walk towards the university
The prayers are standing behind the Imam …… It is a special type of noun in Arabic, but it can be understood as an adverbial of place, as it gives the place in which a certain action takes place


معنی ظرف
ظرف الزمان، و ظرف المكان
اعراب ظرف الزمان والمكان