حجر الزمرد. معلومات عن الحجر الكريم الزمرد

Karl Schmetzer, Dietmar Schwartz, Heinz-Jurgen Bernhardt, Tobias Hager Journal of Gemmology of Gemmological Association of Great Britain, September, Vol
Read, Peter 2008 Gemmology 3rd rev Elwell-Center for materials Research Stanford University-first published in 1979 by Ellis Horwood Limited England- p 158• , edited by William Crooke; Vol

2001 Secrets of the Gem Trade: the connoisseur's guide to precious gemstones.

كيفية تحديد قيمة الزمرد: 13 خطوة (صور توضيحية)
, 1980, Gems Made By Man, Gemological Institute of America,• Brunswick House Press ; p
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