عبارات لطيفة. كلمات قصيرة وجميلة

Friendship is so sweet with you in my life You mean the world to me, my wonderful friend
How long shall we be friends? Do not waste your life in grief and regret To keep your balance, you must keep moving

Friendship means understanding not agreement.

أجمل عبارات التهنئة في العيد
Most people exist, that is all
عبارات تهنئة بالسلامة من الولادة... عبارات لطيفة للتّهنئة بالولادة
Thank you for making mine sweet and memorable
عبارات جميلة عن صديقتي .. تعرفِ على أجمل 20 عبارة تقدميها لصديقتكِ
True friend care without thinking twice It gives it a meaning of a true friend
Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love You are one of the finest person i have ever found

In life people meet for various reasons.

عبارات جميلة عن الحياة
Friendship is not how long you have been together, but how you value each other
عبارات تهنئة بالسلامة من الولادة... عبارات لطيفة للتّهنئة بالولادة
Sending you a million smiles, one for each and every day, as I want you friend to keep smiling each and every day
40 من أفضل عبارات الشكر والتقدير
It feels so amazing when someone understands you, when someone cares for you and always there for you
Asked for a river, He gave me an ocean While a light bulb can light up an entire house
A woman is, for man, the best of true friends, if a man will let her be one It means forgiveness not forgetting

Thats why I have you as my friend.

أفضل 9 عبارات لدعوة زواج
All the way and while
رسائل كلام جميل
True friends are always for you today, tomorrow and forever
عبارات جميلة بالإنجليزي قصيرة تشاركها لتعبر عنك
Do not regret at all because remorse does not change anything from reality