When you use the online tool, your fonts, images, and alignment will look as expected on Mac or Windows | |
The official program for viewing documents in this format, Adobe Reader | The DOC and DOCX file formats are file extensions used by Microsoft Word |
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2Free users are limited to 50 pages per conversion | Free users are limited to 10 pages per OCR task |
To convert your Word document to PDF format, first you need to add the files of supported formats DOC, DOCX or ODT for conversion — drag and drop them or click the "Add file" button | You can also try for free for seven days to convert PDF files back to Word, convert to Excel or PowerPoint, convert HTML to PDF, convert PNGs and GIFs, edit PDFs, merge PDFs, edits scans with OCR, split PDFs, reduce file size, and more |
You can also try for free for seven days to convert PDF files back to Word, convert to Excel or PowerPoint, edit PDFs, merge PDFs, split PDFs, and more.