متى يتوقف طول البنت. طول البشر

Proceedings of Statistic s Canada Symposium 2008 "Height of Nations: A Socioeconomic Analysis of Cohort Differences and Patterns among Women in 54 Low- to Middle-Income Countries"
Hung, Mai Van and Park, Sunyoung 2008 "Association of waist circumference with risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes in Nigerians, Jamaicans, and African-Americans"

"Diet and nutritional status of rural adolescents in India".

هل يتوقف نمو البنت بعد البلوغ
"Growth of Estonian seventeen-year-old boys during the last two centuries"
طول البشر
Shields, Margot; Gorber, Sarah Connor and Tremblay, Mark S
متى يتوقف الطول عند البنات وبعض النصائح لزيادة الطول عند البنات
So HK, Nelson EA, Li AM, Wong EM, Lau JT, Guldan GS, Mak KH, Wang Y, Fok TF, Sung RY 2008
"Secular trend in body height and weight of Turkish adults"
; Van Buuren, Stef 2012 Lintsi M, Kaarma H 2006

VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology.

متى يتوقف الطول عند البنات وبعض النصائح لزيادة الطول عند البنات
Ministerio de Salud de Argentina
متى يتوقف نمو الطول عند البنات
"Persistent variations in average height between countries and between socio-economic groups: an overview of 10 European countries"
طول البشر
Meisel, Adolfo and Vega, Margarita
9" compared to the EU average of 169 Figure is for population between the ages of 20 and 84
VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 2004 [Growth and development trends in Slovak children and adolescents during the last 10 years]

"Secular trends in height in different states of India in relation to socioeconomic characteristics and dietary intakes".

متى يتوقف طول الأنثى؟
; Van Buuren, Stef 2012
متى يتوقف الطول عند البنات وبعض النصائح لزيادة الطول عند البنات
FOOD AND NUTRITION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Department of Science and Technology
د. وليد ابودهن: متى يتوقف طول عند الفتيات؟
Paper prepared for The Fifth World Congress of Cliometrics, Venice International University, Venice, Italy, July 8—11, 2004