العصب الوركي. ما هو العصب الوركي

"Evidence for the Innervation of Pelvic Floor Muscles by the Pudendal Nerve" Sierra RJ, Beaule P, Zaltz I, Millis MB, Clohisy JC, Trousdale RT 2012
"Chronic perineal pain caused by pudendal nerve entrapment: anatomy and CT-guided perineural injection technique" Maclean, Allan; Reid, Wendy 2011

Male Sexual Function: A Guide to Clinical Management.

عصب فرجي
Pelvic floor disorders imaging and multidisciplinary approach to management
هل يشفى التهاب العصب الوركي؟
Agur; in collaboration with and with content provided by Arthur F
عرق النسا
Mitchell; illustrations by Richard; Richardson, Paul 2005
Acute lumbosacral radiculopathy: Prognosis and treatment Evaluation of low back pain in adults
"Unusual origin of dorsal nerve of penis and abnormal formation of pudendal nerve—Clinical significance" Shane; Loukas, Marios September 2013

; Muhleman, Mitchel; Klaassen, Zachary; Tubbs, R.

كيفية علاج الألم الوركي الشديد: 13 خطوة (صور توضيحية)
AMR Agur; AF Dalley; JCB Grant 2013
عصب وركي
; Vogl, Wayne; Tibbitts, Adam W
كيفية علاج الألم الوركي الشديد: 13 خطوة (صور توضيحية)
; Liu, Jianmin; Nager, Charles W
Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: clinical Dermatology Calvillo O, Skaribas IM, Rockett C
; Sheean, Geoff; Kassab, Ghada; Mittal, Ravinder K A new diagnostic approach to long-term anoperineal pain: a report of two cases"

Hough DM, Wittenberg KH, Pawlina W, Maus TP, King BF, Vrtiska TJ, Farrell MA, Antolak SJ Jr.

العصب الوركي
"Computed tomography-guided pudendal nerve block
العصب الوركي
88 4 Pt 2 : 713—5
علاج التهاب العصب الوركي
Abitbol JJ, Gendron D, Laurin CA, Beaulieu MA 1990