حركة حماس. قائد حركة حماس: إسرائيل اغتالت 57 عنصرا من “القسام” و22 من “سرايا القدس”

On 17 October 2016 it as announced that the Supreme Administrative Committee, which is in charge of the conduct of Gaza's ministries, had carried out a Cabinet reshuffle in active ministries and a change the positions of 16 deputy ministers and directors general in government institutions On 14 June 2007, Abbas dismissed the Hamas-dominated PA government of March 2007, but Haniyye refused to accept the dismissal and declared the formation of a new , as West Bank resident Ministers in the Palestinian government were deposed by Fatah
June 2007 Hamas government See also: and Takeover by Hamas With Hamas in control of the Gaza Strip and in control of the , there were two de facto governments in the Palestinian territories, each claiming to be the legitimate government of the Palestinian Authority In 2017, Hamas announced its decision to dismantle the administrative committee it had set up as a de facto government in the Gaza Strip, which was taken to promote reconciliation with the PA


حركة حماس تكرم نور الدين الطبوبي وسيف الدين مخلوف
However, such statements have been considered political propaganda by many, and could have been aimed towards diminishing the economic successes of the rival in the West Bank, at a time when tensions between the two parties became particularly intense
مأرب برس
Parties affiliated with Fatah, as well as affiliated NGOs, have been subjected to stricter controls
وفد من حركة حماس بقيادة هنية يزور المغرب
They found that the "pivotal nature of the remaining restrictions" and the effects of three years of strict blockade prevented a significant improvement in livelihoods and called on Israel to fully abolish the blockade including removing restrictions on the import of construction materials and the exports of goods, and to lift the general ban on the movement of people between Gaza and the West Bank via Israel in order to comply with what they described as international humanitarian and human rights law obligations
"Coalition for Accountability and Integrity - Aman" said that the formation of this committee was a declaration of a new government in the Gaza Strip The , , and have not recognized the Hamas government, but support Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Salam Fayyad's government in the West Bank
In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, enlarging the administered Palestinian territories in that region The PA previously expressed opposition to the formation of a Hamas government in the Gaza Strip

The two sides have been trying to implement the terms of an April 2011 reconciliation deal for months now, but appear no closer to achieving either the consensus interim government or the legislative and presidential elections called for by the agreement.

وفد من حركة حماس بقيادة هنية يزور المغرب
Since 2015, have also become Hamas' matter of concern
التعريف بالحركة
CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list• In June that year, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip from the national unity government after forcing out Fatah
«فتح»: لا نريد أن تعوق التجاذبات الفصائلية إعمار غزة.. و«حماس»: إسرائيل هي السبب
On 16 November 2012, following the death of , Egyptian Prime Minister visited the enclave, leading to a brief ceasefire offer by Israel
, Times of Israel, February 1, 2014• On 8 February 2007 -sponsored negotiations in Mecca produced an agreement on a Palestinian national unity government This followed a May 2012, a new Fatah government appointment in the West Bank, in a move that has angered the Hamas government in Gaza, which slammed the decision to form a new cabinet, accusing Abbas's Palestinian Authority and the Fatah movement he heads of abandoning reconciliation
2016 Hamas administration Main article: The Hamas government of 2016 is the third de facto Hamas government in the Gaza Strip since the in 2007 After the Israeli withdrawal, the gross domestic product of the Gaza Strip declined

Israel also imposed a naval blockade of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, which ensured Mediterranean imports of goods into the Strip did not include any sort of weaponry.

حركة حماس تكرم نور الدين الطبوبي وسيف الدين مخلوف
Governing structure Map showing Gaza governorates Governorates of the Gaza Strip are 5 administrative districts
وفد من حركة حماس بقيادة هنية فى زيارة إلى موريتانيا صباح الاثنين
In 2007, Hamas led a over Fatah, the secular Palestinian nationalist party, which had dominated the
«فتح»: لا نريد أن تعوق التجاذبات الفصائلية إعمار غزة.. و«حماس»: إسرائيل هي السبب
in February 2014, however, Hamas removed most of the anti-rocket force it had deployed to prevent cross-border attacks on Israel