التقرير السنوي هيئة التخصصات. التقرير السنوي

Over that time staff numbers have also grown and the range of roles has expanded as the teaching and learning activities have became more specialised and demanding at the higher levels of delivery within degrees Message from the Chairman On behalf of the , I am delighted to highlight a summary of achievements of Bahrain Polytechnic for the past two years during 2012 to 2014
The has also established a Technical Committee to look after the core business of teaching and learning, ensuring that Polytechnic meet the rigorous standards established by the National Authority of Qualifications and Quality Assurance for Education and Training QQA

Bahrain Polytechnic unique course-level assessment framework specifies and measures outcomes in nearly every course and programme for each student.

رئيس الحكومة يستقبل رئيس هيئة مراقبة التأمينات والاحتياط الاجتماعي ويتسلم التقرير السنوي برسم 2019
And, we use these data to improve our curriculum content and design
التقارير السنوية
Student involvement in co-curricular activities was high, as 1,022 students were participants or volunteered in events
التقرير السنوي لهيئة التدريس
In the time since Bahrain Polytechnic was established in 2008, it has grown rapidly and now boasts around 2000 students across eight areas, ranging in level from certificate to degree
With an average class size of 18, faculty can work individually with each student


التقرير السنوي لهيئة التدريس
التقارير السنوية
Annual Report