صوره سمكه. افضل صور سمك في العالم 2020 ، صور احواض سمك ، خلفيات اسماك متحركة hd

Ichthyological Society of Hong Kong Wiley, New York, 312 pp
; Dewar, Heidi; Hyde, John R Kirby, Alex 30 April 2003

Sciences, Journal of Undergraduate Life.

صور أسماك عجيبة ورائعة
اجزاء السمكه بالصور
Shigehiro Kuraku, Daisuke Hoshiyama, Kazutaka Katoh, Hiroshi Suga, Takashi Miyata 1999 Monophyly of Lampreys and Hagfishes Supported by Nuclear DNA—Coded Genes J Mol Evol 1999 49:729—735• Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology
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1998 The quality of the fossil record of vertebrates
Peter Scott: Livebearing Fishes, p The Biology of Hypogean Fishes
"Whole-body endothermy in a mesopelagic fish, the opah, Lampris guttatus" 120 Broadway, New York 10271: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux

"Five hundred million years of extinczion and recovery: A Phanerozoic survey of large-scale diversity patterns in fishes".

صور سمك القرش
"Temperature regulation in free-swimming bluefin tuna"
صورة سمكة كولاكانت
Friedman, Matt; Sallan, Lauren Cole June 2012
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"Spatial organization and population density of the fish community of the litter banks within a central Amazonian blackwater stream"