فيكتور يانوكوفيتش. الجيش الأوكراني يدعو رئيس البلاد إلى ″إرساء الاستقرار″

This is a matter of the state's national security" During his second foreign visit to Moscow in March, Yanukovych vowed to end , saying that ties between Russia and Ukraine "should never be the way they were for the past five years"
In his press conference in Rostov-on-Don on 28 February Yanukovych claimed that at the time he did not "flee anywhere", but that his car was shot at "by " as he left Kyiv for Kharkiv "to meet the representatives of local parties" and he was then forced to move around Ukraine amid fears for the safety of himself and his family Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty Rferl

Currently is the only official language of Ukraine.

Yanukovych said that an "armed coup" had taken place in Ukraine, and that he was still the legitimate president because there had been no impeachment, resignation, or death
هذا القصر الذي هرب منه الرئيس الأوكراني
On 15 December 1967, at the age of 17, Yanukovych was sentenced to three years incarceration for participating in a robbery and assault
فيكتور يانوكوفيتش
Interpol's action followed an application to Interpol by Joseph Hage Aaronson on behalf of Yanukovych seeking his removal from the Interpol wanted list, as according to the law firm, the criminal charges brought by the Ukrainian government against Yanukovych were "part of a pattern of political persecution of him
Yanukovych was first married to Lyudmyla Oleksandrivna Mezhyhirya is estimated to have been sold for more than 75 million U
He later thanked Vladimir Putin for "saving his life" In an overview piece in March 2013, claimed that Yanukovych had "failed to meet" his 2010 election promises

Because no candidate passed the 50 percent threshold, a second round of voting was scheduled.

Viktor Yanukovych
Yanukovych claimed that the decisions of the adopted "in the atmosphere of extremist threats" are unlawful and he remains the "legal president of Ukraine"
الجيش الأوكراني يدعو رئيس البلاد إلى ″إرساء الاستقرار″
For the , Yanukovych wrote an autobiography for the , in which he misspelled his academic degree
Viktor Yanukovych
On 21 February 2014, Yanukovych claimed that, after lengthy discussions, he had reached an agreement with the opposition