الساعة pm. Clock position

To produce a second-order digit of a Babylonian time, the statists changed from solar to stellar time The state administrators had perceived that the sun advances at a uniform rate no matter what the season
A clock position, or clock bearing, is the of an object observed from a vehicle, typically a vessel or an aircraft, relative to the orientation of the vehicle to the observer The convention is that of analytic geometry: the at zero degrees is the longitudinal axis of the vehicle

74 Reference bibliography [ ]• Time today and generally in ancient Mesopotamia is given mainly in three digits.

14:45 UTC
"Relative" means that it does not state or imply any compass directions whatsoever
معنى الاختصار AM/PM المستخدم في التوقيت
To keep the hour hand on the sun, 12:00 must recede from the zenith at the same rate the hour hand advances
الساعة الآن في الأردن
In a strict sexagesimal system these three would be expressed in a single, three-digit sexagesimal number: h,m,s with values on each of the three letters of 0-59; that is, hours up to 60, minutes up to 60, and seconds up to 60
The vocabulary of time was not yet set History of the Hour: Clocks and Modern Temporal Orders
The pilots needed a vertical dimension, so they supplemented the clock position with the word high or low to describe the vertical direction; e 6:00 is intended to be a true bearing; that is, at 12:00 solar time the shadow over the VI line must point due north or south

The modern system retains much of the sexagesimalism of the Sumerians, but typically not with the same detail.

Time Converter and World Clock
If the watch is set to uncorrected solar time, both hands point to the sun
الفرق بين pm am
Time-degrees were all the same one is about 4 minutes of modern time
Telling the Time in Arabic
Recent USAF practice allows the designation "right" and "left," as in 150 degrees right, thus the degrees can only go up to 180, meaning 6:00