عسل حبة البركة. فوائد عسل حبة البركة لعلاج الكثير من الأمراض

Black Seed Honey combines the properties of bee honey with the black seed known for its benefits and many therapeutic properties, the best treatment for bronchial and respiratory infections, excellent for treating the effects of smoking
Mulazim Bukhari, Javed Khalil, Samina Qamar, and others 3-2011 , , J Coll Physicians Surg Pak , Issue 3, Folder 21, Page 151-156 It strengthens the immune system Black seed honey for weight gain because it is an appetizer and treats anemia and increases hemoglobin in the blood, it treats erectile dysfunction and menstrual disorders

It treats shortness of breath and asthma because it is a natural expander of the airways.

Black Seed Honey
Jehan Abdelrahman, Aamir Magzoub, Randa Ibrahim, and others 2014 , , Sudan Medical Monitor, Issue 4, Folder 9, Page 159-162
فوائد حبة البركة مع العسل
Xin-Fang Leong, Mohd Mustafa, and Kamsiah Jaarin 7-3-2013 , , Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
فوائد واستخدامات عسل حبة البركة
Sarina Mohamad, Hayati Yusof, Nor Salim, and others 9-2015 , , Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Issue 9, Folder 5, Page 38-42
Ebrahim Yimer, Kald Tuem, Aman Karim, and others 12-5-2019 , , Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2019 Hayati Yusof, Mohamad Manan, Norizah Sarbon, and others 1-2017 , , Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, Folder 3, Page 119-134


عسل حبة البركة
عسل حبة البركة
Black Seed Honey


فوائد عسل النحل بحبة البركة
فوائد عسل النحل بحبة البركة
عسل حبة البركة