Search google or type a url. 11 Google Tricks That'll Change the Way You Search

Passive parameters do not affect the page content but help carefully monitor user behavior URL parameters are generated automatically, but you can tailor them to your specific needs using Google Search Console settings
Results Only Search results are placed in one of your webpages, and the search results page does not contain a search box As a result, the search takes only a couple of minutes

The Individual Results If you want to visually delineate individual results or highlight results that are being selected by users, you can define the borders and background for individual results.

Google Search URL Parameters [Ultimate Guide]
However, noindexed URLs can sometimes take a while days or even weeks to drop out of the search results
Control Panel
Google Search Parameters Cheat Sheet Google search params are a set of short and logical commands
Google Search URL Parameters [Ultimate Guide]
Figure 3: Results with individual results delineated and individual result that is highlighted on mouseover
Replace it with the new one generated in the Get code tab Your layout options are click the links to see demos : Option Description Display the search results in an overlay
The Logo Google-Hosted Only If you are letting Google host your results page, you can choose to include a logo or small image right next to the search box in the search results page You can use the control panel to change the colors of the refinement tabs

This can be done using Google Alerts.

11 Google Tricks That'll Change the Way You Search
How to remove an entire website from Google The best way to remove an entire website from Google is to add the noindex tag to every single page on the site
11 Google Tricks That'll Change the Way You Search
To close the search results section, the user clicks on the X icon next to the search box
Control Panel
Sometimes you may need a way to remove things from the Google search results
Click the link to confirm your subscription and begin receiving our newsletters If this happens, it is better to allow Google to crawl the URLs but instead use the noindex tag method 2 to keep them out of the search results
It allows you to improve indexing, avoid duplicate pages, and minimize your crawling budget For example, you can use it to instruct Googlebot to completely stay away from your site using

You can also change the color of the border that surrounds the entire element by picking the Element styling: Border color selector or typing the color value in the text box.

Control Panel
You may find duplicate keys with different values
How to Remove URLs From Google Search
It uses a different algorithm that draws from multiple sources, including queries to your search engine, as well as keywords and phrases extracted from the content of websites that your search engine covers
Google Search URL Parameters [Ultimate Guide]
If you change your mind, you can always revert back to the default values by clicking Reset button