يا بابا اسناني واوا. كلمات أنشودة أسناني واوا

It includes references to hadeeth on the miswaak, its proper usage and on and on ------------------ Yes, what "makkay" says about the above phrase is correct: It means: "I swear I will eat apples
That has been my experience

For anyone interested in the "emphatic" particle L , here's a hugely profound, exhaustive and exhausting academic treatment of the subject: I can't give the URL because when I did, it went all over this page.

اغنية يا بابا اسناني واوا
Haifa Wehbe has a song called Look at the boo boo
كلمات أنشودة أسناني واوا
يا بابا اسناني واوا كلمات , اجمل اغنية للأطفال
I mostly focus on the dialects, but there are MSA posts as well
However, as "makkay" pointed out, this is not the negative NO LA but what is called the "emphatic" or "assertive" PARTICLE L The dialect is Syrian and the lyrics along with translation and explanations are below the video
It is used in MSA as well It's about cavities and brushing your teeth! This is what the song seems to be saying

In fact, it is quite common when living in the Arab world, for people to assume that because you know Arabic so well, you must also be well on your way to becoming a Muslim.

يابابا اسناني واوا طيور الجنة
This is something that a lot of people never understand when learning a language
كلمات أنشودة أسناني واوا
It's a word used by children for a small wound or some pain
اغنية يا بابا اسناني واوا
On this blog I take media that I find interesting and use it to teach Arabic