You may want to take puppets or stuffed animals to represent the characters in the story, and act it out to your family and friends | Cook the apples, sugar and cinnamon stick in a pot on a small burner for one hour you must be patient! |
Once cooked, add some squeezed lemon to your confit | You may want to look through the book and enjoy the lovely illustrations |
Dear Parents, It is not easy to wait patiently for something.
25Sometimes we need to take action in order to achieve our goals, and other times it is best to be patient and wait | One of the Hebrew words for 'waiting', Hamtana, is just a letter longer than one the words for 'gift', Matana |
We all lose our patience at times, waiting on line at the cashier, or getting stuck in traffic | The user is aware that their application and consent may be canceled at any time by notifying: |
What 'gift' did you get at the end of the long wait? Perhaps you could mark the time left to wait on an analog clock.