القصبة الهوائية. القصبات الهوائية

: W B Saunders Co com, Retrieved in 29-12-2018, Edited•
Parker MS, Christenson ML, Abbott GF "One-stage surgical correction of congenital tracheal stenosis complicated with congenital heart disease in infants and young children"

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

علاج التهاب القصبة الهوائية
Teaching atlas of chest imaging
القصبة الهوائية
"Clinical significance and measurement of the length of the right main bronchus"
فغر القصبة الهوائية
Borror and DeLong's introduction to the study of insects
Appropriate antibiotic use for acute respiratory tract infection in adults: Advice for high-value care from the American College of Physicians and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; Lee, Wah-Keat January 2003
In: Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2017 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

"Accessory cardiac bronchus: CT features and clinical significance".

لماذا يجب ان تبقى القصبة الهوائية مفتوحة طوال الوقت؟
In: Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual
ماهي وظيفة القصبات الهوائية أعراض اضطراباتها
Shih, Fu-Chieh; Wei-Jing Lee; Hung-Jung Lin 2009-03-31
التهاب الشعب الهوائية
Antunes, MB; Cohen, NA February 2007