Tree of Life Web Project | "Observations on pedal luring and pedal movements in Leptodactylid frogs" |
Current declines dwarf background extinction rate" | " Xenopus skin mucus induces oral dyskinesias that promote escape from snakes" |
"Territoriality and male mating success in the green frog Rana clamitans ".
" National Invasive Species Information Center | ; Chiszar, David; Estep, Karen; Murphy, James B |
"A comparison of the gill-arch system and fins of three genera of larval salamanders, Rhyacotriton, Gyrinophilus, and Ambystoma" | "Evolutionary diversification of TTX-resistant sodium channels in a predator—prey interaction" |
; Ron, Santiago; Hardy, Jerry; Beier, Manfred 2010.
; Channing, Alan; Wilkinson, Mark; Donnellan, Stephen C | Dalgetty, Laura; Kennedy, Malcolm W |
Parental Care: Evolution, Mechanisms, and Adaptive Significance | "Biting and vocalisation as antipredator mechanisms in terrestrial salamanders" |
National Council for Science and the Environment.