قصة حب قصيرة. قصة قصيرة عن حب الوطن السعودية

The lesson from this story We conclude, our story today with, a word that sincere love is the greatest, livelihood that any person in the world, can have, and in this story we find that love, in the origin of sacrifice and forgiveness, it is his love in Which he sacrificed, and drinks coffee with a little salt only, for her so that she does, not think that it is He lies to her and so that, she does not grieve either, and bears the bitterness of the taste of coffee, with salt, and he basically does not like it, Because he kept drinking it, while it was noise just to please her And he invited her to an interview in a restaurant near their house, and indeed they met, and the young man was very tense and she was also feeling more shy, and it took a few moments to meet them while they were silent and only looked at each other with, gentle smiles until the barkeeper came,cut off their gaze and tension, and the young man asked for a cup of coffee and asked, to put salt in the coffee from the waiter
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love The girl was astonished at his request to put salt in the coffee, instead of sugar, she said to him with all shame that I had never heard that a person, put salt in his coffee before so he told, her this place he loves him very much, and he kept drinking coffee with salt sa it reminds, him of his mother, may God have mercy on them and his town, and his eyes were filled with, tears as he told his story to her

- Love and Time -.

قصص حب قصيرة ضحيت بأكبر شى أملكه من أجلك
قصة حب مجوسية … ملخص واقتباسات رائعة
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left
قصص حب قصيرة


قصة قصيرة عن حب الوطن
قصة حب قصيرة عميقة
قصص قصيرة عن الحب


قصة قصيرة عن الحب للكبار 2021
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