كيف اطير النوم من عيوني ؟. قسم بالله طار النوم من عيوني

19 Supplement 1 : 25—33 Biological rhythms, sleep, and hypnosis
"Autoimmunity: A new clue to sleepiness" The VLPO neurons inhibit and are inhibited by the TMN histamine neurons and REM-off monoamine neurons

25 5 Suppl : S5—13.

النعاس، تغلب عليه بدون كافيين!
Zorick FJ, Salis PJ, Roth T, Kramer M; Salis; Roth; Kramer 1979
النعاس، تغلب عليه بدون كافيين!
"Selegeline hydrochloride treatment in narcolepsy
كيف اطير النوم من عيوني؟
Basingstoke, Hampshire [England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011
United States Food and Drug Administration Miyagawa T, Honda M, Kawashima M, Shimada M, Tanaka S, Honda Y, Tokunaga K; Honda; Kawashima; Shimada; Tanaka; Honda; Tokunaga 30 April 2009
Exploring the Mystery of REM Sleep Consequently, the norepinephrine and serotonin REM-off cells, which are excited by orexin neurons during wakefulness, start to wane in activity, which gradually releases the cholinergic REM-on cells from their inhibitory effect

A search for small-molecule agonists at orexin receptors is underway and could lead to a treatment for narcolepsy.

الأرق والنعاس المفرط في أثناء النهار
"Use of subcutaneous flumazenil preparations for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia: A case report"
كيف اطير النوم من عيوني؟
The Journal of clinical psychiatry
نوم قهري
"The alerting effects of short and long naps in narcoleptic, sleep deprived, and alert individuals"