ليتك ردي واقول ماهي غريبه لكنك اطيب من عرفته بدنياي. أنا من كثر ماأحبك احس روحي تناديك [الأرشيف]

MUST : obligation is imposed by the speaker
— As you like - Certainly

You must wipe your feet before you enter.

Old Tweets: kazmn_kw (﮼فهد،الخياري)
See you See you again See you later So long
Old Tweets: 3_Lordd (يا بعد حييّ ¹⁶☪︎.)
May I use your telephone? HAVE TO: obligation springs from circumstances or external rules
شبكة روايتي الثقافية
You should keep in mind that you're dealing with cutsomers, John
In England you have to drive on the left Enjoy every moment of your precious life HI
Certainly Of course With pleasure Do you mind if ………

Might I see you you alone? Anything I can do for you? SHOULD is used to give advice.

شعر نبطي حكم ومواعظ وحب وعتاب
Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word - from nine letters right down to a single letter
أنا من كثر ماأحبك احس روحي تناديك [الأرشيف]
Wishing you a very Happy birthday
شبكة روايتي الثقافية
Something has to be done, whether the speaker likes it or not


تعال واكتب أجمل بيت شعري مر بك [الأرشيف]
Old Tweets: 3_Lordd (يا بعد حييّ ¹⁶☪︎.)
~^~ سالفه عشق ~^~ [الارشيف]