رمسيس الثالث. رمسيس الثاني

Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research "Merenptah's Inscription and Reliefs and the Origin of Israel" in Beth Alpert Nakhai ed
Volume 2: Ramesses II; Royal Inscriptions This is an English language treatment of the life of Ramesses II at a semi-popular level• Volume 2: Ramesses II; Royal Inscriptions

Domination and Resistance: Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern Levant, 1300-1185 BC.

موكب المومياوات
نقش رمسيس الثالث
Eerdmans Publishing Company, ISBN 0-8028-4960-1
وراء الوفاة الغامضة للفرعون
The Near East in the Southwest: Essays in Honor of William G
Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated: Notes and Comments Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II, King of Egypt
Translations and in the 1999 volume below notes on all contemporary royal inscriptions naming the king On the Reliability of the Old Testament

Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 58.

وراء الوفاة الغامضة للفرعون
Tyldesley, Joyce October 30, 2001
معبد هابو
Monumenta Hannah Sheen Dedicata 2
رمسيس الثالث
Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated: Translations
"The Structure of the Final Hymnic-Poetic Unit on the Merenptah Stela A large-format volume by the former Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the , filled with colour illustrations of buildings, art, etc


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