بيت احلامي. تعبير بالانجليزي عن بيت الاحلام

堛媢堥�堭 媢� �媯� 塈�堥�堛 堥塈�塈�堿��堬� Nisreen Kayyali Consulting Engineers creates places that enhance the human experience through innovation, creativity, and vision My house is called "la casa de los suenos"
First, I would like to have my dream house built in the middle of the garden A huge fish-shaped swimming pool is located behind the house

��堬��塈 �堻塈媢堹 塈��塈堻 �� 堛���� 塈�媟堥塈媢 媢�� ��堸塈 �堛堭� 堛堧堳�堭�塈 媟��� 塈�堧�堹 媢�� 塈�堞堮堭�� 奡堭�堛 堥�堛 堧堶�塈�� - 堻��堛 堥塈堛 ���� - 塈堹�堥堛 �� 堭�堥���堻 - Adopt my dream house 堛媢堥�堭 媢� �媯� 堥�堛 塈�塈堶�塈� 堥塈�塈�堿��堬� �媯�堭.

تعبير عن وصف البيت بالانجليزي
塈�堛�堛 塈堶�塈�� �� 塈��堻�� �塈�堬�堿堜 �塈�塈堥�塈堙 堥堮堻塈堭堛� 塈�塈堻�� �堶� �堥奡堭 �婺� 塈� 堥�堛 ��� �塈堭媔 媢塈�堭堜 �� ��堻堛�堥� 塈�塈堥�塈堙 �塈��� ���� 塈� 塈�堛��� �塈���� 塈�堻堹�堹 �� 塈�堶���� ��堸堭�堜 ��塈堛堹堭�
7 رمضان: بيت أحلامي
堧�� �塈 �堛媢堭� 媢��� �� 堶堹�堳 堭堻�� 塈��� 媢��� 塈�媯�塈堜 �塈�堻�塈� 媢� 堹媢塈堙 ��� 堻�� 堥�堛 堿堹�堹 堧� 堹媢塈堙 堹堮�� ��堬� 堿堹�堹 堻�塈堙 �塈� ��塈 堧� �塈� 堶�堳 堭�� �堻�� 媢� 堮��堜 堥�堛 堶��� 堭媔� 塈��� 媢��塈 �塈� 堻�媢堛
تعبير بالانجليزي عن بيت الاحلام
堿堭�堹堜 媢塈�� 塈�堳�塈�堜 Culture �塈堶堜 ��堭
奡塈�堹 塈���堹�� 媢堥堭 塈���堛��堥 媢堥堭 塈�堭塈堥媟 塈�堛塈�� my dream house should be in a good area near to a beach
�媯� ��堬� 媢�� 奡塈媟埵 塈�堥堶堭 In the future, I will work hard to save the necessary money to buy the

�媯堜 塈����� ��堛堥堻堜 �� �堻堭堶�堜 塈��堻堭堶� 堧�堻�塈堭 �塈��堹 堧���堜 堧� 堛��� 堿塈堹塈 �堛堹�堭 塈堶堹塈堳 塈����� 堶�� : 媢塈堹� 媢堥堹 塈�堶��� 堶塈�婺 �堛� 堛堭� �� �塈�堹� 媢�塈堭堜 �堥堭�� �堛�塈奡� 堨�堿塈堭�塈.

بيت الأحلام.. 20 تصميم مختلف لبيت العائلة!
堮奡堥 �堥�堭 ���� �� 堹�堭�� 塈�堹�堭 塈�塈�� �塈� 堿�堻� �堛��堬���
Nisreen Kayyali
As for the color of my house, I love the white color a lot, so the white color will be the color of the my dream house
تعبير عن وصف البيت بالانجليزي
And I like to have seats near the pool for summer relaxation
媢塈堹� �堛� 堛堭� �� �塈�堹� 媢�塈堭堜 �堥堭�� �堛�塈奡� 堨�堿塈堭�塈 �� 塈�堥塈堭� ��� 媯堶堜 ���� ��堬� 堧堶�塈�� �� ��堬� 堥� 堥�塈堥塈堛 媔堮�堜 �堶堹��堜 堿���堜
堨堸塈 ��堛 堻堧堮堛塈堭 �堧媯� ��堬� 堧堶�塈��� �堻堧堮堛塈堭 ��堬��塈 ����塈 �奡堮媯�堛� ��堬� 塈堶�塈�� 塈堹堮� �媯� ��塈 ��堬� 堥塈�媯�堭 堥堻� 塈��� 塈�堭堶�� 塈�堭堶�� 塈�堻�塈� 媢���� �堭堶�堜 塈��� �堥堭�塈堛� �塈�塈 堿塈�堻堜 塈��堭 �� ��塈媔�媢 ����堛堹� � ���堛 ��堭� �� 塈堶堹 塈���堛堹�塈堛 �• The first floor consists of only three bedrooms and two bathrooms

Nisreen Kayyali Consulting Engineers creates places that enhance the human experience through innovation, creativity, and vision.

تعبير بالانجليزي عن بيت الاحلام
I love landscapes very much
تعبير عن وصف البيت بالانجليزي
堥�堛 堿��� 媢�� 奡�� 媟�塈堭堜
تعبير عن بيت الأحلام
Rima Published at : 2 years ago