堛媢堥�堭 媢� �媯� 塈�堥�堛 堥塈�塈�堿��堬� Nisreen Kayyali Consulting Engineers creates places that enhance the human experience through innovation, creativity, and vision | My house is called "la casa de los suenos" |
First, I would like to have my dream house built in the middle of the garden | A huge fish-shaped swimming pool is located behind the house |
��堬��塈 �堻塈媢堹 塈��塈堻 �� 堛���� 塈�媟堥塈媢 媢�� ��堸塈 �堛堭� 堛堧堳�堭�塈 媟��� 塈�堧�堹 媢�� 塈�堞堮堭�� 奡堭�堛 堥�堛 堧堶�塈�� - 堻��堛 堥塈堛 ���� - 塈堹�堥堛 �� 堭�堥���堻 - Adopt my dream house 堛媢堥�堭 媢� �媯� 堥�堛 塈�塈堶�塈� 堥塈�塈�堿��堬� �媯�堭.
22奡塈�堹 塈���堹�� 媢堥堭 塈���堛��堥 媢堥堭 塈�堭塈堥媟 塈�堛塈�� | my dream house should be in a good area near to a beach |
�媯� ��堬� 媢�� 奡塈媟埵 塈�堥堶堭 | In the future, I will work hard to save the necessary money to buy the |
�媯堜 塈����� ��堛堥堻堜 �� �堻堭堶�堜 塈��堻堭堶� 堧�堻�塈堭 �塈��堹 堧���堜 堧� 堛��� 堿塈堹塈 �堛堹�堭 塈堶堹塈堳 塈����� 堶�� : 媢塈堹� 媢堥堹 塈�堶��� 堶塈�婺 �堛� 堛堭� �� �塈�堹� 媢�塈堭堜 �堥堭�� �堛�塈奡� 堨�堿塈堭�塈.
19媢塈堹� �堛� 堛堭� �� �塈�堹� 媢�塈堭堜 �堥堭�� �堛�塈奡� 堨�堿塈堭�塈 �� 塈�堥塈堭� ��� 媯堶堜 ���� | ��堬� 堧堶�塈�� �� ��堬� 堥� 堥�塈堥塈堛 媔堮�堜 �堶堹��堜 堿���堜 |
堨堸塈 ��堛 堻堧堮堛塈堭 �堧媯� ��堬� 堧堶�塈��� �堻堧堮堛塈堭 ��堬��塈 ����塈 �奡堮媯�堛� | ��堬� 塈堶�塈�� 塈堹堮� �媯� ��塈 ��堬� 堥塈�媯�堭 堥堻� 塈��� 塈�堭堶�� 塈�堭堶�� 塈�堻�塈� 媢���� �堭堶�堜 塈��� �堥堭�塈堛� �塈�塈 堿塈�堻堜 塈��堭 �� ��塈媔�媢 ����堛堹� � ���堛 ��堭� �� 塈堶堹 塈���堛堹�塈堛 �• The first floor consists of only three bedrooms and two bathrooms |
Nisreen Kayyali Consulting Engineers creates places that enhance the human experience through innovation, creativity, and vision.