موضوع عن الانترنت. موضوع تعبير عن الإنترنت

with the internet you can now apply for universities and search and apply for jobs with simple clicks Although that individuals benefit from sitting in front of a computer network; but it has a lot of drawbacks: Negative effects of Internet Ethical problems, the fact that the Internet is used by many groups, and anyone can load what they want from the Internet
The formation of terrorist networks through it, has recently emerged a group of people are tricked people and make them join terrorist organizations that destroy countries and countries also, people use the internet for long hours a day and waste their time by using the internet

It has become a basic requirement in our time and indispensable in managing nations and finding out what is new in the world.

تعبير عن الانترنت بالانجليزي قصير ومترجم 9 نماذج سهلة وبسيطة
The internet is something to be careful with
اجمع قصاصات من الجرائد والمجلات حول موضوع الانترنت فوائده واضراره
some people get hacked and their money get stolen by hackers
موضوع تعبير عن الإنترنت بالعناصر الرئيسية
Receive new scientific, cultural, scientific and technological achievements of the world
Try to be away from the Internet permanently for a month Health problems Health problems, Long sitting in front of computer networks can lead to health problems in sight, or back pain due to sitting on the chair for a long period of time
Knowing the news of the world, and knowing what is going on in wars, celebrations in addition to knowing the countries that suffer from poverty and famine It has many advantages, but it is also full of negatives

The effects of psychological disorders such as trembling, and moving the finger continuously.

موضوع تعبير عن الإنترنت
Sometimes a person is satisfied with his relationships, which are with imaginary friends via the Internet
بحث عن الإنترنت وفوائده
During the month you will not find anyone around you
موضوع عن الانترنت
The reason for this addiction is playing some electronic games that are designed so that you do not feel time with them, such as PUBG and similar games