دوسباتالين ريتارد. Duspatalin

This medicine is used to treat symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS and similar problems such as chronic irritable colon, spastic constipation, mucous colitis and spastic colitis Dose adjustment of Duspatalin 135mg Tablet may be needed
Duspatalin 135 mg wordt gebruikt om de symptomen van het prikkelbaredarmsyndroom te Mebeverine is effectively used to treat the symptoms of these conditions such as: colicky abdominal pain

Duspatalin retard zawiera lek o nazwie mebeweryny chlorowodorek.

دوسباتالين أقراص لعلاج التهابات القولون وقرحة المعدة Duspatalin tablets
Antes de usar, observe o aspecto do medicamento
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Numele medicamentului dumneavoastra este Duspatalin 200 mg, capsule cu eliberare prelungita denumit Duspatalin in acest prospect
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Ce este duspatalin si pentru ce se utilizeaza Indicatii duspatalin este un antispastic cu actiune directa asupra musculaturii netede a tractului gastrointestinal, calmand spasmul fara a afecta motilitatea normala a intestinului
Recommended dosage: Adult: Take 1 tablet up to 3 times daily on an empty stomach at least 20 minutes before a meal Duspatalin mebeverine hydrochloride is an anti-spasmodic medication, which means it acts on the muscles in the gut and causes them to relax Irritable bowel syndrome IBS is a very common condition which causes
Duspatalin may be available in the countries listed below Please consult your doctor before using it

Si c'est le cas, Duspatalin est effectivement prescrit contre les douleurs de l'intestin.

دواء دوسباتالين ريتارد لعلاج اضطرابات المعدة والقولون
Duspatalin heeft, voor zover bekend, geen invloed op andere geneesmiddelen
دوسباتالين أقراص duspatalin لعلاج التهاب الجهاز الهضمي وأعراض متلازمة القولون العصبي
Er zijn onvoldoende gegevens bekend over het gebruik van Duspatalin bij zwangerschap en borstvoeding
دواعي استعمال دوسباتالين ريتارد والغازات
Duspatalin Tablet is used for Cramps in the stomach, Bloating, Irritable bowel syndrome, Gas, Pain related to small and large intestine, Changes in bowel habits, Contraction related to small and large intestine and other conditions