ترجمة فارسي عربي. Persian Translation

Native to: Countries of the Arab League, minorities in neighboring countries and some parts of Asia, Africa, Europe Official language in: Modern Standard Arabic is an official language of 26 states, the third most after English and French[3] List Algeria Bahrain Comoros Chad Egypt Eritrea Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya Mauritania Morocco Oman Palestine Qatar SADR Saudi Arabia Sudan Syria Tanzania Zanzibar Tunisia United Arab Emirates Yemen Organizations African Union Arab League Organisation of Islamic Cooperation United Nations


ترجمه عربي به فارسي
ترجمه عربی به فارسی
ترجمه عربي به فارسي


فرهنگ لغت عربی
ترجمة من فارسي الى عربي انجليزي
ترجمه عربي به فارسي