حدود الدولة العثمانية. حدود الدولة العثمانية كاملة

Bennison, "Muslim Universalism and Western Globalization," in Globalization in World History, ed Lewis Bernard: The emergence of Modern Turkey: p24• Von Gabriel Piterberg, An Ottoman Tragedy: History and Historiography at Play, pp
Von Helen Gardner, Horst De la Croix, Richard G The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response

Ottoman Literature: The Poets and Poetry of Turkey.

الدولة العثمانية
A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954—1962 New York Review Books Classics
حدود الدولة العثمانية
, Battle: A Visual Journey through 5,000 years of combat, DK Publishing Inc
خريطة العالم الاسلامي في عهد الدولة العثمانية
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons
Bert Fragner, "From the Caucasus to the Roof of the World: a culinary adventure", in Sami Zubaida and Richard Tapper, A Taste of Thyme: Culinary Cultures of the Middle East, London and New York, p
Thanks to these works, the conventional narrative of Ottoman history — that in the late sixteenth century the Ottoman Empire entered a prolonged period of decline marked by steadily increasing military decay and institutional corruption — has been discarded Goodwin, Jason: "Lords of the Horizons", Chapter 24: The Auspicious Event, 1998• Inalcik, An Economic And Social History Of The Ottoman Empire, Vol 1 1300—1600 p

, Russian Azerbaijan 1905—1920, page 119.

الدولة العثمانية خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى
Persian historiography and geography, Bertold Spuler,M
حدوتة الحدود المصرية (تقرير شامل)
Southeastern Europe under Ottoman rule, 1354-1804, By Peter F
حدود الدولة العثمانية كاملة
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