اقتباسات انجليزية. عبارات عن جمال المرأة بالانجليزي

The other is as though everything is a miracle
When you feel like giving up, remember why you started• The problem in love is that the right man can find the right woman One day, when things are all right, you will look back and feel proud as you did not give up• If you find true love, know that you have found life

3- Creativity is imagination and imagination is for everyone.

عبارات بالانجليزي عن الحب
If you want others to love you, learn how to love yourself first
عبارات جميلة اقتباسات انجليزية مترجمة انستقرام
You are the most beautiful gift that this universe guided to me
عبارات جميلة اقتباسات انجليزية مترجمة انستقرام
If you are in trouble remember that God is merciful
Always remember that you were born to love That same person may hurt you some day and the whole world would not be able to make you happy• Your love makes me feel happy I have not lived before
Meeting the one you love is what cures hearts Do not go where your love takes you but take love where you are going

Love is two people who laugh at the same things and feel sad at the same moment without a prior agreement.

57 عبارات تحفيزية بالانجليزي [مترجمة]: كلام قوي سيغير حياتك !
Sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn John C
اقتباسات من روايات انجليزية
You cannot always control what goes outside, but you can always control what goes inside Wayne Dyer• Work hard in silence, and let success make the noise• I want to wear your love,I want to enter into your vast space I do not want to enter into your golden cage
اقتباسات من كتب انجليزية
Forget the past, but never forget the lesson• Don t be critic to you wife s taste she is the one who selected you at the first place