كان الوحي الذي أوحي إلى أم موسى عن طريق. عناية الشريعة بسد كل طريق يؤدي

Swahili - Al-Barwani : Tulimfunulia mama yake Musa kwa kumwambia Mnyonyeshe Na utakapo mkhofia basi mtie mtoni na usikhofu wala usihuzunike Hakika Sisi tutamrudisha kwako na tutamfanya miongoni mwa Mitume• " maka ibu Musa menyusukan Musa selama tiga bulan, selama itu Musa tidak pernah menangis English - Sahih International : And We inspired to the mother of Moses "Suckle him; but when you fear for him cast him into the river and do not fear and do not grieve Indeed We will return him to you and will make him [one] of the messengers"• According to these, the Prophet Moses' mother made a basket of reeds and covered it with slime tar and with pitch to make it watertight
But the most important thing, which the Qur'an mentions, has found no mention anywhere in the Israelite traditions, that is, that the Prophet Moses' mother had done all this according to an inspiration from AIlah, and Allah had already assured her that by following that device not only would her child remain safe and secure but the child would ultimately be restored to her, and that her child would become Allah's Messenger in the future They already had two children before Moses, the elder a daughter, named Miriam, and the younger her brother, Aaron

The Talmud adds that the Pharaoh's government had appointed Egyptian women who carried infants into the Israelite homes, and would make these babies cry, so as to make any hidden Israelite infants also cry and be thus discovered.

من هو كاتب الوحي الذي ارتد
Somali - Abduh : Waxaan u Waxyoonay ku Ilhaamaynay Muuse Hooyadiis Nuuji markaad u Cabsatana ku Tuur Hirka Badda hana Cabsan hana Murugoon anagaa kugu soo Celine kana Yeeli kuwa la Diro Rasuul• Probably the proclamation that every male child born in an Israelite home would be killed, had not yet been issued when the Prophet Aaron was born; therefore, he was saved
من هي السيدة نفيسة السيرة الذاتية
كان الوحي الذي أوحي إلى أم موسى عن طريق
The same has been said by the Bible and the Talmud
Upto this point the version given by these Books is the same as the Qur'an's, and the event of casting the box into the river has also been described just as the Qur'an has described it Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan kami ilhamkan kepada ibu Musa; "Susuilah dia dan apabila kamu khawatir terhadapnya maka jatuhkanlah dia ke sungai Nil Dan janganlah kamu khawatir dan janganlah pula bersedih hati karena sesungguhnya Kami akan mengembalikannya kepadamu dan menjadikannya salah seorang dari para rasul• According to the Bible and the Talmud, the family descended from Levi, a son of the Prophet Jacob, and the name of the Prophet Moses' father was Amram, which has been pronounced as Imran by the Qur'an
The third child was born when the proclamation was in full force Apabila kamu khawatir terhadapnya maka hanyutkanlah dia ke dalam sungai yakni sungai Nil dan janganlah kamu khawatir ia akan tenggelam dan janganlah bersedih hati karena berpisah dengan bayimu itu karena sesungguhnya Kami akan mengembalikannya kepadamu, dan menjadikannya salah seorang dari para Rasul

Melayu - Basmeih : Dan Kami ilhamkan kepada ibu Musa" Susukanlah dia; dalam pada itu jika engkau takutkan sesuatu bahaya mengenainya dari angkara Firaun maka letakkanlah dia di dalam peti dan lepaskanlah dia ke laut; dan janganlah engkau merasa bimbang dan jangan pula berdukacita; sesungguhnya Kami akan mengembalikannya kepadamu dan Kami akan melantiknya menjadi salah seorang dari Rasulrasul Kami• According to the Bible, the Prophet Moses' mother kept him hidden for three months after his birth.

كان الوحي الذي أوحي إلى أم موسى عن طريق
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我曾启示穆萨的母亲(说):你应当哺乳他,当你怕他受害的时候,你把他投在河里,你不要畏惧,不要忧愁,我必定要把他送还你,我必定要任命他为使者。 For instance, if she felt that the secret had been exposed and the enemies had come to know of the child's birth through some means, or through some wretched informer from among the Israelites themselves, she should place the child in a box and cast it into the river, without any hesitation
كان الوحي الذي أوحي إلى أم موسى عن طريق
Then she laid the child in it and placed it in the river Nile
أم موسى: أوحى الله إليها كما أوحى إلى النبيين
In Surah Ta Ha it has been said: Put this child in a box and place the box in the river