التطوير المهني للمعلمين. برنامج التطوير المهني للمعلِّم

Professional Development That Addresses School Capacity: Lessons from Urban Elementary Schools, American Journal of Education, Vol 4, Nashville, TN: National Center for Educational Leadership, ERIC
History and Development of career counseling in the USA The Doors to school Improvment, Educational Leadership, 49 8 , P

259-299 Loucks-Horsley; Susan, Stile; E.

النمو المهني للمعلمين
Overview of career Development Theories
2.1 وضع أهداف لتطوير الاداء المهني و التخطيط لتحقيقها
What Experience Has Taught Us About Professional Development, National Network of Eisenhower Regional Consortia and Clearinghouse, US
برنامج التطوير المهني للمعلِّم
School Participant Empowerment Scale: Assessment of Level of Empowerment Within the School Environment, Journal of Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, P Teacher perceptions of the characteristics of effective teachers of Aboriginal Middle School students
Creating and sustaining effective professional learning communities, Research Report 637, London: DfES and University of Bristol School Restructuring: A case Study in Teacher Empowerment NCEL Occasional Paper NQ

Designing Professional Development for Teacher of Science and Mathematics, 3d , Corwin, USA.

رابط منصة التطوير المهني التعليمي لتدريب المعلمين والمعلمات
مفهوم النمو المهني للمعلم وخصائصه
رابط منصة التطوير المهني التعليمي لتدريب المعلمين والمعلمات