صلاة العش. صلاة التراويح تبدأ اليوم بعد صلاة العشاء... تعرف على حكم صلاتها في المنزل وركعاتها

Deliver and maintain services, like tracking outages and protecting against spam, fraud, and abuse• Ensonga eri nti kubanga amayumba ago mubeeramu abakyaala ate nga abakyaala bakakatibwaako kusaalira waka
Improve the quality of our services and develop new ones• Personalized content and ads can be based on those things and your activity like Google searches and videos you watch on YouTube Nti singa baali bamanyi oburungi oburi bu swalla ezo ebbiri 2 Fajir

Era eswala ezo zitambulirako nnyo omuntu okumutegeela nti munanfuusi.

إقامة صلاة العيد فى أماكن محددة
Kati omunnanfuusi okumulaba musswala eya Fajir ne Isha si kyangu nakatono
دعاء العشر الاوائل من ذي الحجة 1443 مكتوبة اجمل 10 ادعية من ذو الحجة
Teringa kusiiba kuba Allah yasindika nga busindisi JIBRIEL okuleeta obubaka
وقتُ صَلاةِ العِشاءِ
Personalized content and ads include things like more relevant results and recommendations, a customized YouTube homepage, and ads that are tailored to your interests
You can also visit g KATI KIKI EKYAMULEMESA NABBI OKWOKYA AMAYUMBA GAABWE ABO ABATAAGALA KUSAALA FAJIR MU JAMAA'A? Show personalized content, depending on your settings• Kati kitegeeza omuntu tamanyi kiri mu Swalla ya Faldha naddala zino ebbiri Nabbi Sallalaahu alayhi wasallam zakonyeko nga wagambye nti omuntu yandizze nazisaala newekuba nti omuntu ayavula bwavuzi
Google uses and data to:• Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads• Ate era muveeramu nabaana abato ate nga ebiseera abisinga bamaama babwe bebabayigiriza esswala


متى ينتهي وقت صلاة العشاء؟
وقتُ صَلاةِ العِشاءِ
كيفية أداء صلاة العشاء